Monday, September 19, 2016

If Trump Attacked Trump

Now, people are saying...I'm not saying, but I hear things. Donald Trump says he wants to make America great again...right?!? Like America isn't already great...right? Am I right?

And yet oldie Donald ...come on, admit it, I mean he tries to hide it, but he's really,really old...comes right out...comes right out and says that Vladimir Putin is a strong leader.

Humph, oldie Donald sounds like a Russian spy to me. Can you imagine George Washington calling the king of England a strong leader?

It just ain't happening. Right? Am I right? Ooh, King George is great.

People are claiming only a traitor would say such things. I'm not sayIng...but it does look like a traitorous thing.

How do we know oldie Donald isn't in league with these Soviets?

Come on, I mean, I'm not sayIng, but I can see how oldie Donald could be having the KGB plant these pressure cooker bombs  in Jersey...he's from Jersey? Right?

I mean, how come only the Democratics got hacked? Am I right?  Is it just me?

I won't deal with the communists. I wouldn't. I won't.

I sure wouldn't be letting them place pipe bombs on American soil. Trust me.  It ain't happening.

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